Friday, March 15, 2019

Cancer Warrior

March 8
It has been a busy week. We just got home from Therese's last few tests at UCLA. We start the T-Cell harvesting Thursday (March 14) morning, and then do another round of chemo Friday (March 15). The new super T-Cells should be done cooking in the lab April 5th and then we start a month of treatments and recovery. We will know quickly if the treatment went well or not. We have an 80% chance to put this cancer in remission and Therese has vowed to kick it's ass. She says,"I'm not a cancer patent, or a cancer survivor; I'm a cancer warrior!"

March 14
The first Hurdle has been cleared for the CAR-T cell treatment. Today was harvest day. We started at UCLA at 5:30 AM to have the catheter inserted into the groin vein. (We were still 7th in line, yep they are always busy.) Then whisked away to another building for the Hemapheresis and her binge of Project Runway. We made it home safe and we are celebrating with In-and-Out. Life is good!

April 1
Therese getting her Wonder Woman haircut. We are done with our last round of chemo and begin the 10 day count down until we start the ground breaking procedure to turn Therese into a GMO! She'll never be able to go into a Whole Foods again but that's okay. We like Sprouts better. (They have the best licorice & toffee peanuts  )

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Milestone Hit Us

January 6th
I had a great deal of fun writing my villain in my last book that I hated to say goodbye. Today I came up with a new story for him. About The Scarlet Sword, a crucible steel blade that has killed so many people that it is forever stained red. Wielded by Ashonn, a man born to be a warrior, lives to kill monsters, and is followed by a priest of death patiently waiting for the warrior to die so the priest can claim his soul for the god of death the warrior dared love and dared to strike down.

January 17th
A quick update for the new year. Therese has finished her last round of chemo, and then she will have an MRI on the 30th to see if the radiation was successful and what our next step will be.

January 30th
We had the MRI this morning. This afternoon, FACEY HMO called to tell us the MRI had been denied. When my wife told them she received the approval, and that UCLA received the approval their response was, "Oh, well I guess you can appeal to Blue Shield."

February 8th
We visited our Radiologist from City of Hope, and our Oncologist at UCLA. The most recent MRI have shown the current tumor has not grown but new spots have shown up in the front lobe, and unfortunately the pons of the brain stem. We will find out what our next treatment will be in two weeks. Until then, we do whatever my wife wants. This weekend we are going to see Alita, Battle Angel.
PS: Make that Aquaman, and it was great! Alita, we will save for Valentine's Day.